Güncel Patoloji Dergisi
2018, Cilt 2, Sayı 2
Ischemic Bowel Disease ? I Ischemic Bowel Disease in Endoscopic Biopsies
1 Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu, Patoloji Laboratuvarı, İSTANBUL
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.25 Even though ischemic bowel disease is reported to be commonly seen in individuals older than 60 years old, it is a condition that can be seen in every age group from newborns to elders. As clinical diagnosis is generally delayed, to improve early diagnosis, it is important to keep ischemic bowel disease within the differential diagnostic spectrum both clinically and pathologically. This two-part paper will elaborate the endoscopic biopsies on the first part and on the second part will shed light upon identifiability of ischemic bowel disease in surgical resection material, diagnosis and differential diagnosis criteria and reporting details. Anahtar Kelimeler : Ischemic bowel disease, Endoscopic biopsy, Mesenteric ischemia, Ischemic colitis
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.25 Even though ischemic bowel disease is reported to be commonly seen in individuals older than 60 years old, it is a condition that can be seen in every age group from newborns to elders. As clinical diagnosis is generally delayed, to improve early diagnosis, it is important to keep ischemic bowel disease within the differential diagnostic spectrum both clinically and pathologically. This two-part paper will elaborate the endoscopic biopsies on the first part and on the second part will shed light upon identifiability of ischemic bowel disease in surgical resection material, diagnosis and differential diagnosis criteria and reporting details. Anahtar Kelimeler : Ischemic bowel disease, Endoscopic biopsy, Mesenteric ischemia, Ischemic colitis