2Department Of Pathology,mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, Usa
Small cell carcinoma (SCC) of the breast is a very rare entity, and is a subtype of neuroendocrine carcinoma and comprises < 1% of breast cancer cases.Typically, these tumors occur in women in their sixth to seventh decade of life.Herein,we are describing three cases of primary breast SCC occurring in young and middle-aged women.
A 34 year-old breast-feeding woman noted a mass in the upper quadrant of her right breast. Prompted evaluation with mammogram, ultrasound, MRI and biopsy revealed 5.2x3.6x4.8 cm mass consistent with malignant tumor. Pathological assessment of lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsies were consistent with SCC of the Breast.She received chemotherapy and adjuvant radiation therapy.
A 53-year-old woman who is a known BRCA-1 mutation,presented with a concern for a palpable mass on her left breast. The left mastectomy revealed a 5.0 cm partly necrotic mass in the lower outer quadrant consistent with SCC of the breast.The patient was started on adjuvant like chemotherapy with a regimen similar as given to small cell lung cancer. This was followed by radiation therapy.
Patient is 57 years old who discovered a palpable firm lump in her right breast on a diagnostic mammogram. Ultrasound confirmed a 2.6 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm highly suspicious irregular lobulated mass, and a biopsy was obtained which revealed SCC of the breast.She was started on neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by right partial mastectomy. She had excellent response to chemotherapy with no evidence of residual disease or metastasis.
The tumors appear to be responsive to hormonal and chemotherapy with an indolent behavior.Their follow-up extends from a minimum of one and half to four years.All patients are alive with two having metastatic disease and one with no evidence of disease.It appears that SCC of the breast is not as aggressive as their lung counterpart.