Güncel Patoloji Dergisi
2018, Cilt 2, Sayı 2
Summary of the Changes in 8th TNM Staging of Urological and Male Genital Organs Cancers
1 Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dalı, MERSİN
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.27 Cancer staging has an important role in combating cancer. The American Joint Committee on Cancer has recently published its 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual. Contributions from genitourinary pathology are evident in the American Joint Committee classification from many of the International Society of Urological Pathology consensus conferences on prostate, renal, testicular, and penile neoplasms that addressed staging issues and the 4th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Urinary and Male Genital Organ Tumors, which was published in early 2016 and was incorporated as the histologic classification system in the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee, but revised form of staging was not encompassed by the World Health Organization totally. Actual grading systems were adopted for renal, prostat and penile cancers. In fact, major changes are fixed in testicular, penile, and prostate cancer.
DOI : 10.5146/jcpath.2018.27 Cancer staging has an important role in combating cancer. The American Joint Committee on Cancer has recently published its 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual. Contributions from genitourinary pathology are evident in the American Joint Committee classification from many of the International Society of Urological Pathology consensus conferences on prostate, renal, testicular, and penile neoplasms that addressed staging issues and the 4th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Urinary and Male Genital Organ Tumors, which was published in early 2016 and was incorporated as the histologic classification system in the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee, but revised form of staging was not encompassed by the World Health Organization totally. Actual grading systems were adopted for renal, prostat and penile cancers. In fact, major changes are fixed in testicular, penile, and prostate cancer.
This review respectively summarizes the changes for renal, bladder, urinary tract, prostatic, testicular and penile cancers in 8th TNM staging systems.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Male genital systems, Urinary systems, Staging