Güncel Patoloji Dergisi
2018 , Vol 2 , Num 2
Myxoid type of Adrenocortical Adenoma: A Case Report
1 University Of Health Sciences Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Research And Training Hospital
Introduction:An adrenocortical adenoma (ACA) is a benign neoplasm arising from cells of the adrenal cortex and may or may not be functional. This neoplasm is exceedingly rare, with fewer than 60 case reports since the first description of this entity in 1979. Females are affected more than men. It's encountered commonly in adults usually in the 5th to 7th decade and the estimated incidence is 8.7% in autopsy series and 4% in radiology series. Herein we report the case of the myxoid variant of ACA arising in a 19 year-old female patient.
Case Report:
A 19 year-old female patient presented to our hospital with nonspecific symptoms of right upper quadrant pain. Physical examination revealed a mass in the flank region and immediate radiological investigations were performed. MRI suspected of a 55X47mm mass in the adrenal region which was reported as consistent with the features of Pheochromocytoma. The patient was operated after advanced radiological and laboratory tests. Macroscopically; the mass was capsulated, firm and cut sections were tan to yellow in color, fibrillar in appearance. Microscopically; in H&E slides, the lesion was consisted of stellate to plump, bland appearing nucleus and eosinophilic broad cytoplasmic cells forming cords and glandular structures in a myxoid stroma separated from the normal adrenal gland with a smooth margin. Immunohistochemically; Inhibin A, Calretinin, Melan A, Vimentin stained positively and CK, Chromogranin, Synaptophysin negatively. Ki67 was 1%. With morphological and immunohistochemical findings we reported the case as 'Myxoid type of ACA?.
The myxoid changes in adrenocortical neoplasia are rare, but the identification of distinguishing features is important for differential diagnosis and exclusion from other myxoid tumors that occur retroperitoneally. The usual clinical and histopathological features are applied to classify the tumor as benign, borderline ,malignant. In our case, there are no features suggesting malignant behaviours.